Monday 11th September 2023, 10:00am
Creative Writing Workshops for Schools - 2023

Caption: children from Abbey School, Torquay, September 2023
For five full days during Festival Week, September 11th through September 16th 2023, we took up residence at Torre Abbey in partnership with The Writers Block for a series of creative writing and puppetry workshops called ‘Shady & Shadowy Characters’. Each was designed to engage even the most reluctant young writer at Year 6 or Year 5 going to school in Torbay.
The workshops were made possible by a generous grant from The Rosalind Hicks Charitable Trust and The Elmgrant Trust.
If you are a teacher or Head of English at a Torbay primary school and would like your class to take part in future such workshops, please email us at and we will keep you posted about our plans for 2024.
Read more about our work with Torbay schools during last year’s Festival here.