Saturday 1st May 2021, 1:00pm
Come, Dance with Me...

Throughout May and June 2021 Dance in Devon’s talented dance facilitators, led by Clare Parker, connected with care homes and supported settings in Torbay to visit, play music, sing and dance with residents, observing prevailing government guidelines on Covid 19 throughout.
In July our ‘Come Dance With Me’ project offered open community workshops for local older people whom Dance in Devon has met over the past few months. These workshops took place in person in socially distanced, Covid-safe conditions. Together, older people rehearsed with lead artists from Dance in Devon to create a live performance of new choreography, performed during the International Agatha Christie Festival on 18 September 2021, alongside an invitation to the public and Festival-goers to join in an afternoon of social dance, refreshments and great live music.
We wish to thank THE LINBURY TRUST for funding ‘Come Dance with Me’ as part of this year’s International Agatha Christie Festival programme.
With thanks to Dance in Devon and The Media Workshop you can see the wonderful outcome of the choreographed performance here, both taking place at the Livermead House Hotel, Torquay.