Thursday 14th September 2023, 11:00am
International Writer in Residence 2022, Ruby Gupta, India, reflects on her residency

Crime writer Ruby Gupta, based in Dehradun, India, accepted the Festival’s invitation to take up an International Writer’s Residency during last year’s Festival which ran 10-17 September 2022. She joined UK-based crime writer Vaseem Khan on stage at the Festival for a lively conversation, attended most if not all the week’s talks, film and theatrical performances and helped judge our Young Writers Competition of that year. A particular highlight for her, she tells us, was her visit to Agatha’s former holiday home, Greenway, now run by the National Trust. Upon return to India, she sent us her personal reflections on Agatha Christie – The Woman behind the Fame. You can read an extract from Ruby’s feature* here.
Ruby Gupta is the award winning author of nine books, including The Secret of Leifing Pagoda, No Illusions in Xanadu and A Degree in Death.
We’re delighted to announce that Agatha Christie Festival has received a reciprocal invitation to send a UK-based Festival author to speak at the Dehradun Literature Festival in October 2023. We will share more news about this presently.