
Read all the latest news from the International Agatha Christie Festival.

Statement From Agatha Christie Festival Ltd On The Passing Of Her Majesty The Queen

Friday 9th September 2022, 10:50am,

Statement From Agatha Christie Festival Ltd On The Passing Of Her Majesty The Queen

The Trustees and staff of Agatha Christie Festival Limited are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Her Majesty The Queen.

The Trustees and staff of Agatha Christie Festival Limited are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Her Majesty The Queen.

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Buy a ticket to the festival in august and win a limited edition Agatha Christie tee!

Friday 29th July 2022, 8:00am,

Buy a ticket to the festival in august and win a limited edition Agatha Christie tee!

From Friday 29 July anyone who buys a ticket (excluding tickets to free events) for this year’s International Agatha Christie Festival can enter a draw to win one of five limited edition Agatha Christie T-Shirts (Small, Medium or Large) RRP £28.00 created by our friends and partners The Women’s Prize for Fiction Trust.

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Lucy worsley’s groundbreaking new biography of Agatha Christie

Tuesday 26th July 2022, 7:00pm,

Lucy worsley’s groundbreaking new biography of Agatha Christie


The Bookery, our pop up independent bookseller at the Festival, has a great offer for those who have bought tickets for Lucy Worsley’s talk on the opening evening of this year’s Festival.

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Thursday 12th May 2022, 8:55am,

Festival Programme 2022 Announced

We’re delighted to bring you the full line-up of events for this year’s Festival which runs from Saturday 10th through Saturday 17th September at venues cross the English Riviera, South Devon, UK.

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Wanted! Aspiring young writers across Devon 8-18 years of age

Wednesday 11th May 2022, 5:00pm,


Aspiring young writers across Devon 8-18 years of age

The International Agatha Christie Festival is inviting aspiring young writers, 8-18 years of age, who live or go to school or college in Devon to enter our exciting mystery-story writing competition. Superb prizes to be won! It’s free and easy to enter.

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Under the Patronage of the UK National Commission for UNESCO

Under the Patronage of the UK National Commission for UNESCO

Kindly Supported by:

English Riveria Bid Company

Rosalind Hicks Charitable Trust

Project Partners: