Wednesday 24th January 2024, 10:00am
Fringe Festival Now On Sale

We have been working really hard behind the scenes to ensure that we get our 2024 programme of events out earlier than ever before and with this in mind, we are delighted to announce the main events in our Fringe Festival, which will be running from Saturday 7 - Wednesday 11 September.
We introduced the Fringe last year as a response to people asking us to include more fun and social events where they could meet other fans of Christie and crime writing in general. This year we are bringing back to old favourites that sell out every year, including the Agatha Christie Sea Swim and the ABC Murders boat trip. We are also really excited to introduce some new events for 2024, including a completely unique murder mystery on the Dartmouth Steam Railway, following the very route taken not only by Agatha Christie herself, but by Hercule Poirot in two of her most famous novels.
We have also introduced some theatrical treats, starting with our gala fringe opening event - The Lucky 7 Club presents Sparkling Cyanide - A Scintillating Soiree! This will be an unmissable evening of vintage cabaret and burlesque in an amazing heritage theatre in Brixham. We are also delighted to be presenting Murder, She Didn't Write, which is a completely improvised murder mystery that sells out at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival every year. We have also given our website a complete refresh for 2024 and have created a brand new festival image that features a young Agatha Christie on Princess Pier in Torquay. We will be releasing details of our main Literary Festival next month, so keep an eye on your inboxes for that. In the meantime, please note that many of these fringe events have very limited numbers of tickets available, so please don't miss out.