Thanks to HarperCollins for their generous support with this competition.
Friday 8th September 2023, 1:00pm
The Book Fairies
Friday 8 - Monday 11 September

The Book Fairies are making a special visit to Torquay for the Agatha Christie Festival this year... and they don't come empty handed! The fairies have a whopping SEVENTY books to hide around the festival's planned events and wider Devon, with titles ranging from The ABC Murders to Evil Under the Sun...
The reason for hiding 70 books is to celebrate the 70th year of Agatha's play The Mousetrap, which is also being performed as part of the festival. Book fairies will be hiding these treats across the first weekend of the festival, from Friday 8th to Monday 11th September! They will share pictures and videos to social media (instagram @bookfairies_uk, @bookfairiesworldwide &@bookfairies_devon, twitter @the_bookfairies) using the hashtag #AgathaChristieFairies so keep an eye on those too, for clues of the books' whereabouts. Many of the copies have an extra gift attached - an Agatha Christie English Heritage pin - a perfect souvenir!